Tuesday 17 November 2009

Back in Action!

Appologies for the break in music posts, I've been without internets for the past few days. Everything seems to be in working order now though and oh, the amount of stuff to catch up on(!)

Tree Frog

Lets start with the latest house guest, shall we?

I think it's safe to say I love this fellow.

Tree Frog

Every few months our paths will cross; usually after some heavy rainfall like we've been having (brings out all the bugs!)
I'm pretty sure it's the same guy; you might recall some photos I took of him two years ago one of which I entered into the Marnie Yeates Photo Competition.
(I'm also just assuming it's a male, I really don't know how you would begin to tell...)

Tree Frog

Anyways, I'm pretty sure it's the same frog, are they territorial? He's gotten a little bit bigger every time I see him too. As you can (kind of) see above, he's pretty much as big as my palm now. And each time it seems his personality grows just a little bit more.
I'm sure he doesn't appreciate me shining a flashlight in his eyes very much though, but I can't help myself.

Tree Frog

In fact, our paths cross with enough regularity now that I feel compelled to give him a name.. something suitably dapper maybe..

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